Monday, October 19, 2009

Sweet Thoughts

We have been so blessed and touched by the many kind cards, gifts, and thoughts expressed to us during this month of Pastor Appreciation. We must say it is very humbling to receive these accolades after only having ministered here at Little Paint for six weeks now. Appreciation seems a little premature, but we so appreciate the kindness shown. Some of the most touching notes came from the children and youth yesterday as seen in the picture here. I realized as I read their sweet handmade cards that the thoughts expressed were written by children too young to truly understand the "roll" of a pastor (as one card stated). How could they have come up with words of appreciation? Ah, yes--sweet Sunday school teachers. Our children learn from lessons taught in Sunday school and from our lives. They are little sponges soaking up everything they see and hear. I want to say a word of appreciation to all our teachers. Your "roll" is such an important one in the life of the church. Your life is touching and impacting the church of the future. What you input into them can make a difference for eternity. I realize how exhausting teaching can be, but keeping an eternal perspective can help inspire each of us as we minister.

So teachers, thank you for all you do! Thank you for the sweet notes from your class--but more importantly, thank you for leading our children to the feet of Jesus.
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:1

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