Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Isn't it Grand?

The term “grandfather” never entered my thoughts when Dianne and I were married.  The idea of my children having children was in some future time.  The phrase is certainly true that says, “Time waits for no man.”  My future is now my present.  After spending a week at Myrtle Beach with my grandson, age 15 months, I understand the term “grand” with new meanings.  He is grand in a wonderful and outstanding way.  It is so much fun as he is learning to talk and discover the world of things.  Opposite to that definition, he is grand because he takes a massive amount of effort to keep up with.  Thus the term “grandfather” is one who thinks his grandchildren are the most magnificent children in the world while at the same time realizing the extensive amount of energy needed to keep up with them.

My father used to say, “Children are for the young,” referring to the energy it takes us older folk to keep up with them. However, I believe children can keep us young. Obviously, not in a physical sense, but in reminding us that every-day life should be faced with the joy of discovery and expectation of new things.  We should wake up eager to see what life holds today.
My mind is somewhat younger after this week.  I have rediscovered the song that goes, “The wheels on the bus go round and round” and that inflatable turtles do make fun speed boats in the pool.  I have gained a new appreciation for a red Muppet named Elmo.  I’ve been introduced to the must-have for bedtime, a stuffed monkey and blue blanket.  I’ve also been reminded to pray extra hard for my children as they begin the journey of raising their families.  It would be nice if babies came with an instruction booklet.  Since they don’t, my daily prayer is that my grandchildren will be led by God-fearing parents who realize that if they will “seek first His kingdom and His righteousness,”  God will take care of all they need as parents.

This Sunday we conclude our series on “Becoming a Courageous Family.”  The challenge is “What Does it Mean to be a Courageous Father?  Think of it as pre-Father’s day message.
Hope to see you Sunday,
Pastor Jeff

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