Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sex, Lies, and God

This Sunday we will be looking into the implications of the seventh commandment,"You shall not commit adultery."  In our sex-saturated society the idea of sexual purity and fidelity have been dismissed as unattainable and unrealistic.  As a result, we are dealing with increased socially-transmitted diseases, teen pregnancy, and sexual crimes, not to mention being force fed sexual lifestyles as Romans 1 refers to as perversion. 

God made sexual expression to be the highest form of love shown between two married people who have made a covenant between one another and God.  Unfortunately, we have allowed the enemy of our souls to take what God created good and taint it.  Why is sex in a marriage covenant God's way?  I ran across an illustration from John Shearhart that states this well.

But some of you are saying, “What about a committed relationship? We plan to get married someday. Why can’t we have sex?”

Do me a favor. Go to a Hummer dealership and say this: “I would like to purchase a new Hummer fully loaded. I promise to make all the payments, but I refuse to sign a contract. Why do we need a contract anyway? I am committed to giving you money once a month. Isn’t that enough for you to give me all that pleasure?”

See what they say. “Oh we believe you will be committed, but we need to keep it legal. If you are going to receive the pleasure, you also get the responsibility. What if you get tired of driving this Hummer, and just bring it back. You wouldn’t be obligated to finish what you started with the first one. No. You will need a contract.”

In the same way, sexual pleasure is a benefit reserved for those who have signed the contract. In Ephesians 5we see that God designed marriage to be a picture of what occurs between Christ and the church. Christ has given Himself to us and us to Him into a personal relationship! To make marriage anything less than total monogamous commitment by contract is a display of gross misunderstanding of God’s intentions.

Come see us Sunday.  We will be talking about that . . .
Pastor Jeff

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