Though this song is about 40 years old, it holds a foundational truth for those who call themselves Christians. Take time to watch it and listen carefully to the words. Based on John 13:35, the song centers on Jesus' command to "love one another." The only identifiable characteristic Jesus lifts up for his followers is that of love. Love not defined by human sentimentality or feelings, but godly love that loves selflessly and unconditionally.
The sad fact is the church Jesus built has lost its understanding of this godly love. We have allowed our 'human weaknesses to redefine what love is and have forgotten Jesus' words to "love as I have loved you." Ponder that for a moment. How did Jesus love? A study of his life will show his love reached to the unloved, unlovely, rejected, outcast, socially oppressed, and physically cast off. He was known to be in the company of sinners, drunks, prostitutes, and the lowest of society. His love compelled him to disregard the social stigmas and judgments to meet the needs of people. Jesus was divine love in action.
We who call ourselves his followers need to rediscover his divine love in our lives. A love that moves us out of the pew and into real life around us. A love that sees others with the pure eyes of God and not through our human filters. To love God authentically is to love him will all our heart, soul, and mind. If we do that then we will be compelled to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.
This is the church Jesus desires...A church that impacts its community with the love of God. May we desire to be that church in our area... A church not known by programs and events, but known by each member being messengers of God's divine love... A church constantly aware of those He brings us into contact with that need Him in their lives. Let us be known as Christians by God's love flowing through us and not just people who go to church.
See you Sunday,
Pastor Jeff
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