As a follower of Christ I find it disturbing that some people who call themselves Christians can talk so freely about their sporting interest but are tongue-tied when it comes to sharing their faith. How could our world be changed for the cause of Christ if we talked as much about Him as we do our favorite team? What impact would we have on our communities if we spent as much time and money ministering for Christ as we do traveling, attending, and supporting our favorite team? How would our lives be different if we knew the Bible like we know statistics about our team?
The biggest tragedy in all of this is that it is temporary. Events that are here today and a memory later will be historical entries when the generation that experienced the event has passed. Does it really matter who won the 1940 NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship? Maybe, if you are over eighty or a sports historian. The Apostle Paul reminds us that we should “fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” At life’s end all that really matters is how we have prepared for the unseen, not what we have seen here on earth. I don’t know about you, but I think I need to be talking a whole lot more about eternity to those I know than how many shots Anthony Davis has blocked this season.
See you Sunday,
Pastor Jeff
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