Monday, March 28, 2011

Deeper Water

When I was about three years old my father began building swimming pools for a company in Central Kentucky. In those days pools were built of concrete and not like the fiberglass oversized bath tub pools of today. The company decided it would be a good selling point if dad had one of their pools in our yard. Dad agreed. Thus began many years of summer fun as a child. If it was swimming weather, I was in the pool morning til evening. My grandmother would tell of a time when I was four that scared her so badly it took her breath away. One day she saw me jump off the diving board into the deep end of the pool. She claims she held her breath until she saw my little blonde head popping up by the ladder. I realized early on that not much happened in the shallow part of the pool. As I watched my older brothers, I knew the real fun happened in the deep end.

This memory reminds me how so many Christian's lives are spent in the shallow water of God's truth. They seem content with their sins being forgiven and the promise of eternal life. Their Christian life seems to be anorexic instead of abundant. Why? They refuse to go deeper. As a result, they are missing the majority of the abundant life Jesus promised. To understand the depths of God's love for us, we have to get out of the shallow truths and dive deeper.

This Sunday we will dive deeper into how we can be spiritually transformed into the image of God. Our focus last week was the necessity of prayer, Bible study, meditation and prayer as essential for deepening our inner man. This week we will focus on the necessity of simplicity, solitude, service, and submission as outer manifestations of God's inner spirit working in our lives.

Jump on in--the water's fine, but remember it is more exciting and fulfilling in the deep end. If you've never gone to the deep end in your faith, bring your swimmies and I will help realize the joy you have been missing.

See you Sunday,
Pastor Jeff

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