Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What's in a Name?

 Rob Schenck in his book, Ten Words That Will Change a Nation: The Ten Commandments, relates this story:

Some years ago, after a long speaking itinerary in the Midwest, I boarded a late-night flight to return home.  I was tired and looking forward to a rest.  Sitting behind me in the airplane were two salesmen whose conversation was peppered with profanity.  I had finally had it when they began running the Lord's name into the gutter.  I raised myself up from my seat and turned around so that I was looking down on them from my perch.  Then I asked, "Are either of you in the ministry?"  The one in the aisle seat raised his eyebrows incredulously and said, "What the ....would ever make you think that?"  "Well, I am in the ministry," I said with a smile.  "And I am amazed at your communication skill.  You just said God, damn, hell, and Jesus Christ in one sentence.  I can't get all of that into a whole sermon!"  They both blushed, and I didn't hear another word from them for the remainder of the flight.

Just as our name reflects our character and personality, the same is true for God. We wouldn’t want someone smearing our name or misrepresenting us. God's third command for right living in Exodus 20:7 tells us not to use God's name in a way that is empty, frivolous, or insincere. God will not put up with the irreverent use of his name.  Why should we?

We often find ourselves in situations like those in the airplane story.  What do we do?  Probably nothing.  Okay, no one likes confrontation.   However, what do you do when God's name is smeared in the movie or television program you are watching?  How about that book you are reading? Even when it comes from those you consider friends?  Do you leave the movie, turn off the television, or find a better book to read?  Do you make a stand with those you know that would bring honor to the name of the Lord?

These are the moments that define how much we really love the Lord.  Jesus did not say, “If a man obeys me he will keep my commandments," but “if he loves me he will keep my commandments.”

Come see us Sunday.  We will be talking about that.
Pastor White

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