Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Handling Pressure

Why worry? It has been said that forty percent of what we worry about will never happen, thirty percent are concerns about old decisions, twelve percent center on criticism, ten percent on health, and eight percent are legitimate but fixable. Ninety-two percent is beyond our control.  Everyone has experienced life's pressures and stresses.  We can't always control what happens to us, but we can control what happens in us because of the situation. 

 In John 13 Jesus faced his greatest period of pressure.  He knows he must talk about the cross and his betrayal to those closest to him.  Jesus' ministry had endured misunderstanding and a lack of acceptance since it began.  He will soon retreat to the Mount of Olives and be tempted to miss his eternal destiny.  At the same time, he knew those who walked closest to him would prove to be weak in the coming passion of Christ.  How could Jesus handle this pressure?

John 17: 1-4 gives us some clues to help us in time of pressure and stress.  First, Jesus went to the Heavenly Father in prayer.  He knew where his source of strength came from.  Second, Jesus was assured of  his purpose in life.  This purpose far exceeded any personal desires or fears.   He came to give himself for others.  Thirdly, he knew he did a good job. He had completed the work God had for Him.
Jesus' example reminds us that in handling our pressures in life we also need to:
  1. Turn everything over to God and seek him as the true source of strength in our lives.
  2. Have a purpose greater than our problems.
  3. Glorify God by our obedience to his will in our lives.
 How can we stand with conviction when the pressures of life are pressing in?  Come see us Sunday.  We will be talking about that.

Pastor White

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