"Success isn't necessarily permanent but neither is failure." In fact, successful people fail almost as much as unsuccessful people. Biblically speaking, Moses was a tremendous success. However, Moses' road to success was marked by many failures. He killed an Egyptian and fled to Midian. Upon returning to Egypt, his actions caused Pharaoh to increase the workload on the Hebrews. His inability to convince Pharaoh with the plagues could be deemed a failure. Even after crossing the Red Sea he had difficulty leading the complaining Hebrews.
If you view Moses' life by the individual incidents in his life, he failed on numerous occasions. However, if you view it as a lifetime, his contribution was enormous. The secret may lie in using failure as a "stepping stone" rather than a "mill stone." You see, with one we move forward; with the other we sink. Why does failure destroy some people while it builds other people up?
Pastor Jeff
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